Postpartum Stretches

A New Normal Postpartum. It’s a word I had a vague idea about before having my first baby. I knew I’d be tired, sore, maybe even a little delirious in the following weeks. But what I didn’t know was how woefully unprepared I was when it came to understanding my body’s new chemistry. The intense…

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Yoga For Runners

For many of us, yoga is how we care for and nurture our spirit; it is how we find peace, calm, and clarity amidst the winds of change and uncertainty swirling all around us. Asana – the physical limb of yoga we are most familiar with – is also a profound way of caring for…

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Meditation is certainly a buzzword these days. It is popping up everywhere from smartphone apps to dedicated studio spaces, all offering various versions of it – sleep meditations, healing meditations, mindful meditations. While the resurgence of meditation in modern culture has provided us all of these new ways to practice it, the true purpose and…

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