Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program

A Yoga Teacher Training Program like no other. Broken into three parts, including an 50-hour immersion, 25-hour teacher training intensive, and self study to finish at your own pace.

Beginning November 2nd, 2024. All are welcome 🙏🏽

Your Evolution Starts Here...

If you're looking to accelerate your personal and professional evolution, our Yoga Teacher Training was designed for you.

Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training certification is designed for those who desire to cultivate a deeper connection to your yogic practice. The 200-Hour program is designed to open doors of self-discovery, and facilitate your ability to teach many aspects of yoga with safety, consideration, consent, and expanded awareness in any setting.

Certification requires the following:

  • Attendance to our 8-day `Ohana Yoga Immersion
  • Attendance to our 4-day Teacher Training Intensive
  • Self-study including on-demand modules, reading, homework, and in-person or online yoga classes.

See below for details.

Your YTT Curriculum

Our program is uniquely flexible to your life and schedule.

'Ohana Yoga 8-Day Immersion, November 2nd - 9th, 2024

This week-long, 50-hour immersion is an opportunity to study, absorb, play, and contemplate with a like-minded community. Through this experience you will deepen your knowledge of the philosophy, and connect with an expanded awareness of the practice.

  • 9am - 4pm every day for all eight days
  • $500 non-refundable deposit
25-hour Teacher Training Intensive, November 21st - 24th, 2024

In this intensive, you will gain all of the tools and mechanics needed to plan, instruct, and support a yoga class. We will work closely with you on how your unique strengths can foster your unique teaching style.

  • 9am - 4pm every day for all four days
  • $500 non-refundable deposit
50 In-person or Online Yoga classes
  • These classes can be completed on your own time after the Immersion and Intensive. Please note that included in your commitment to the full 200-hour program is complimentary access to in-person and online classes for 8-weeks.
On-Demand Modules
  • You'll have access to all on-demand modules for 1-year.
Homework + Readings
  • In addition to your 50 in-person or online classes, you'll also have homework assignments to turn in and some amazing books to read through.
Practice Teachings
  • You will be required to practice teach on your own time in order to receive certification.

All classes and requirements must be completed within one (1) year of your immersion start date to receive certification through 'Ohana Yoga + Barre.

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Denver

There are many instructors in this world, and there are few teachers. As you journey through the content of this course, you can expect to experience significant personal transformation, an expansion of your personal yoga practice, and greater self awareness.

Program Curriculum + Modules

Required Readings:


Suggested Readings:

Choose yourself first.


  1. Submit a $500 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot for Yoga Teacher Training.
  2. A balance of $1088 is due before the 8-Day Immersion begins.
  3. A remaining balance of $1088 is due by the first day of our Teacher Training Intensive.

Please note we cannot accommodate refunds after payment is made.

What People Are Saying About Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training

"I signed up for YTT not to teach but to deepen my yoga practice and reconnect with my spirituality. These 8-weeks were an amazing journey shared with newfound friends that I'll stay in touch with for years to come. If you're looking for something more in life, YTT might just be what you've been searching for. Make the commitment, you'll be glad you did!"
- Katie J.

"My YTT experience at Ohana informed me so much more than my yoga practice. It helped me continue to point my trajectory towards a more intentional and personalized lifestyle and career path. I've made deep connections that have lasted for years and found a wonderful sense of community with the other teachers I trained with. If you are considering the program - go for it. It will be one of the best investments in yourself that you could make."

- Kelly B.

"Ohana means home and the moment you walk into the studio- you feel at home. Alyssa and team have created a studio with amazing yoga and barre classes- fabulous instructors and an environment that is welcoming. I completed the 200-hour yoga teaching training last year- and the experience was transformative. Ohana is one of the finest studios in the country."

- Colette T.

A Program Built on Integrity, Inspiration, and Leadership

Our Yoga Alliance Certified 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training program is designed to illuminate the many doors of the yoga universe. Once you’re finished with the program, you’ll have significant clarity regarding which door you’d like to open next. You're probably searching other teacher training yoga programs right now, which is great! Here's what makes our program so different:


'Ohana's 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program is Yoga Alliance Certified, distinguished, highly intentional, and led by two women who whole-heartedly believe in the lifetime practice. We are not here just to talk the talk, but to also walk the walk.


There is a creative spark inside each of us, waiting to be inspired. This yoga teacher training program is designed to stir what inspires you uniquely. As the program illuminates the many doors of the yoga practice, you will get to know what interests you most. Through this self-exploration, you are able to step closer to your purpose and what gives you meaning.


Leadership is so much more than standing in front of others and sharing your vision. Leadership is the embodiment of energy through example. We believe yoga is more than just a physical practice, but a conscious lifestyle that allows you to access your deeper layers of awareness through the direct experience of doing it and feeling it — every. single. day.

We’ve planned incredible industry collaborations that give us goosebumps just to think about. the leads who are a part of this program are incredibly knowledgeable, experienced, and exemplary in living out their passion.

Meet Your Resident Ohana Leaders

Alyssa Manny 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Instructor

Alyssa Manny

Founder, CEO, BA - Kinesiology (CU - Boulder), M-ARCH (CU - Denver), 200 E-RYT, Vedic Meditation Padawan
Alyssa founded Ohana Yoga + Barre in 2017 and has been teaching since 2011. She has lead a vast amount of yoga teacher trainings since then and has found each experience to be even greater than the last. "To me, training students to become teachers is all about opening doors... doors of perception, doors of awareness and doors of intuition as there is no 'one way' to do anything. Commit to the process of embodying the intersection between logic, morality, intellect and heart. And do it in a supportive environment that doesn't require your perfection, but encourages your curiosity."
Devon Barrow 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Instructor

Devon Barrow

Social Media Manager, 200 E-RYT, Vedic Meditation Padawan, Soon to be published poet
Devon is an E-RYT certified yoga instructor at Ohana Yoga + Barre, specializing in Vinyasa yoga and guided meditation for many years. She has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2012. Devon has led countless yoga teacher trainings, taught at festivals and events, and continues to contribute to the yoga community through teaching and writing. Her love of poetry is embodied in her purpose, practice and leadership style.