Plastic Free July

In a modern world where nearly anything you can think of can be delivered to your doorstep in a matter of hours, it is no shock that the amount of plastic waste in our world is skyrocketing. While things like online shopping have made our lives infinitely bigger and more convenient, this convenience has come…

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Books To Read for your Yoga Practice

Originating over 10,000 years ago, the definition of yoga has evolved over time but the most basic translation of the word remains today: union, or unity. More specifically, the unity of mind, body, and spirit. However, the westernization of yoga has caused many of us to think of the practice in only its physical form,…

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Palo Santo

If you’ve taken classes in the Ohana studio, you’ve probably noticed the smoky, sweet fragrance of freshly burned palo santo. Palo santo – or “holy wood” – is known to have special healing properties that can instantly cleanse your space and uplift your spirit. Palo santo is invigorating yet calming, able to shift your energy…

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Crystals 101: Agate

Imagine the feeling you get when you look up into a perfect blue sky or out into the vastness of the sea–what sensations come up? Maybe it evokes a sense of serenity and peace. Maybe it even has a celestial quality to it, connecting you to a divine world greater than yourself. It is powerful…

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quartz crystals

While a crystal’s radiance and beauty is undeniable, these precious minerals are much more than decorative gemstones. In fact, crystals represent our direct connection to the earth and its powerful wisdom. While a single crystal is just a tiny fragment of our brilliant planet, it holds the entirety of its knowledge and magic. A stone…

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Solar Plexus

Everything is energy. All around us, there is an invisible sea of life-force energy connecting all facets of the universe – it is the energy present within every particle, atom, and molecule that binds our reality together and keeps us alive. As human beings, we are major conduits of this energy. In fact, running from…

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Crystals For Sleep

Sleep is a fundamental part of our health and well-being. There is no shortage of pills and potions being marketed to us claiming to be the answer to all our sleep woes–but how many of these remedies are actually doing us more harm than good? Relying on potentially habit-forming sleep aids to get better sleep…

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How to be in the moment

In a world full of constant distractions, finding an authentic connection with the beauty and simplicity of the present moment has become a challenging thing to do. Rather, we have found ourselves in the midst of an epidemic of stress and anxiety. With the fast-paced nature of our lives, we can become so absorbed in…

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