30 Days To Less Stress: Ready?

Can you imagine a life without stress?

For most of us, the answer is no — and that’s because stress has been normalized as if it’s a regular ol’ part of life. When we get stressed out, we don’t think twice about it. We recognize it, and wait it out (miserably) until the waters calm.

The thing is: our stress levels are not only not normal – they’re the number one threat to our health. Chronic stress has been linked to the six leading causes of death — common factor much?

The biggest problem with stress is that we think it’s okay and normal. Because we’ve normalized this epidemic of stress so extensively, we’re not really motivated to change it. “Everyone’s stressed,” we think to ourselves… “What’s the big deal?”

Here’s The Deal: Chronic Stress

Stress does serve a purpose… Like when we have to run from all the grizzly bears around town. The evolutionary purpose of stress is the survival of life-threatening situations.

When our survival is threatened, our body kicks on the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). All sorts of hormones, like cortisol, flood through our body to help us run faster, jump higher, and see clearer. Bodily systems like digestion shut down or rev up (whatever helps us move faster). Our respiratory rate increases, our heart rate spikes, and we get away from the said threat. (Learn more about the stress response here.)

But how often is our survival actually threatened? Thankfully, it’s rare. So then why are we experiencing stress all the time?

The short story is: our minds are confused about what is actually a life-threatening situation worthy of stress. And that happens because our minds and egos are too involved — and they basically invent a way that it could all end in a threat to our survival. See below with the scenarios that commonly stress us out.

  • A big meeting: Our ego thinks that if we botch it, we’ll get fired. If we get fired, then we’ll lose our income, then the house, and before we know it we’ll be homeless… Survival threat.
  • A breakup/relationship drama: Our ego thinks that if we lose our significant other, if they leave us, we are not worthy of love. If our person leaves, there will be no one else to love us… Love is needed to survive and thrive… Survival threat.
  • A busy schedule: Our ego thinks that if we don’t accomplish all items on our to-do list, then we’re failures. If we’re failures, the world will find out, and we’ll lose our love, resources, etc… Survival threat.

Essentially the ego/mind, with the help of cyclical thinking, can turn any less-than-ideal scenario into a survival threat. This might sound ridiculous, but if you trace all of your stressors down to what they’re really about, it’ll be your survival. It’s actually a helpful exercise to do so — we realize how irrational our stressors really are.

And Then There’s Chronic Stress…

But these aren’t the only kinds of stressors that we have. Sometimes we’re stressed by a dirty house, a tiff with a loved one, traffic, bills… And yes — these can also all be traced back to survival. But the biggest issue with chronic stress is that it operates unnoticed, on repetition.

Why do you worry about a dirty house? Because you’re used to stressing out about a dirty house. When we stress, we create little grooves that are so easy to fall into. All it takes is a step into the house and we’ve been triggered into that familiar anxiety story. The stress hormones are instantly triggered and before we know it, we’re stressed out.

And these triggers are everywhere. Chronic stress is essentially low levels of stress, but around-the-clock. The levels are low enough not to really notice, but high enough to affect our health. Chronic stress survives on small triggers — while wreaking havoc on our body.

Chronic stress has been normalized — but again, it’s not normal. It’s not normal to have this trickle of stress hormones in your system, creating the inflammation that, with enough build-up, yields disease. Research shows that chronic stress is connected to high blood pressure, leading to artery-clogging deposits that change the brain and lead to circumstances like anxiety, depression. and addiction. Sounds serious, right? And it is.

Your chronic stress is not normal, and should not be brushed off. There’s really no other way to say it.

Overcoming Stress: Is It Possible?

Your chronic stress is created by thinking the same thoughts, over and over, until little grooves are created in your mind. You can think of these grooves as programs running in your mind subconsciously.

Just like you created tension and worry through repetition, you can create new, positive, productive grooves through repetition.

But the first step to overcoming stress is hands down, the awareness that stress is not normal. If we’re going to make any progress with this burden whatsoever, it starts by understanding that:

  1. Stress isn’t okay. It’s immensely unhealthy and should be addressed immediately. It is the greatest threat to our health. (Kind of ironic, right? The stress that’s trying to save us is actually harming us.)
  2. It’s possible to live a life without stress. The degree to which you roll your eyes at that statement, or don’t believe it — is the measure of work you have to do to get this stress behind you.

How To Be Successful: Don’t Do It Alone

Find community in your journey to less stress

The thing is — we’re all struggling from chronic stress. But we isolate ourselves. We bury ourselves in our worry when really we should be opening it up and airing it out.

The next step to overcoming stress is finding a method of accountability — something that helps you stay motivated to create those new stressless thought patterns. And that comes in many forms.

But because we’ve been there before, and we’re big believers in living stressless lives, we designed our own program to support you, and it’s called The 30-Day Exhale.

This program is a mindful approach to release tension, utilizing practices such as yoga and meditation, alongside movement and breathwork, to give you the tools that create new grooves in your mind. Through these practices, you’ll gain awareness of the thoughts that ignite your tension. And then you’ll gain practices that curb your mind toward a healthy state of being.

Perhaps the most important part of this program is that it’s 30 days of inspiration… Again: repetition. Most days entail no longer than ten minutes of conscious living work. You don’t have to devote an hour every day to live stressless, just a little bit of time goes a long way.

letting go of stress

Take Your First Step With The 30-Day Exhale

The 30-Day Exhale is all about letting go of stress. It’s about releasing the tension that builds up in life.

This program helps you:

  • Release tension in your body and mind
  • Connect with your deepest self to feel grounded and centered
  • Expand your awareness
  • Learn how to meditate
  • Care for yourself with self-love rituals
  • Establish a healthy balance of self-care
  • Understand what it’s like to overcome stress, for good

This program isn’t about giving you temporary relief. It’s about giving you the tools to consciously create a more relaxed, enjoyable lifestyle — for the long haul. In just a month, you’ll be amazed to see how you can unwind — and for just $30.

With this program, you get to know yourself deeper and join our Conscious Living community. The benefits are here waiting for you — take the leap!