How To Pair Your Crystals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, pun intended, then you’ve probably noticed the rising popularity of crystal gemstones. For the uninitiated, crystals are believed to contain numerous healing properties, from alleviating stress to boosting creativity, and everything in between. Many believe that holding crystals during meditation, wearing them on your body in the form of jewelry, or placing them in your home will promote physical and emotional healing. 

What you may not know is that by pairing certain crystals together you can amplify, or neutralize, their power. Different crystal pairings carry different energies, and by harmonizing them together, you can create a powerful mixture. Let’s take a deeper dive into what crystals work well together and which pairings should be avoided altogether. 

Crystal Pairings

What crystals work well together?

We know that crystals are full of potent healing energy; they are powerful by themselves, but what happens when you start combining gemstones? When paired correctly, you’ll get a mixture of harmonious energies that can enhance the healing properties of each crystal. 

Choosing gemstones with complimentary energy is easy once you know what to look for and have your desired outcome in mind. While the ancient wisdom of following your intuition is a good place to start, it certainly helps to know which crystals are ideally suited to one another.  

If you want to start experimenting with crystal combinations, here are a few for you to try, based on what you are currently seeking in your life:  

Energy & Creativity:

If you are seeking more energy and enhanced creativity, Citrine and Carnelian are a fantastic crystal pairing to enhance vitality and promote natural, creative energies. Citrine is a stone that is great for success and helps inspire positivity, joy, and raising your overall vibration. Carnelian is a motivational crystal that helps you trust your intuition to make wise decisions. When you pair these two crystals together, perhaps in a bracelet you can wear daily, you will feel energized, motivated, creative, and full of zest. 

Crystal Pairings

Meditation & Inner Peace:

Lapis Lazuli and Selenite are excellent crystals to help you connect with your inner wisdom, heighten your intuition, and cultivate deep, inner peace. Lapis Lazuli can help you unlock the truth within and enhance your intuition to help you get more out of your meditation practice. Selenite’s healing properties and calming nature can foster a deep sense of peace and aid in finding clarity amidst confusion. 

Labradorite and Clear Quartz are popular crystal pairings that work toward the same effect; however, be careful when combining two crystals that are similar in their properties. For example, Labradorite and Lapis Lazuli are identical in their properties and this can create an overwhelming effect or even repel the positive effects each stone brings separately. Both Labradorite and Clear Quartz offer pathways to inner peace, expand the third eye chakra, and enhance intuition, but when paired together they can actually cancel out one another’s energetic power, rendering each ineffective. 

Protective Energy: 

There are plenty of crystal pairings that defend and protect against negative energy, but the triple threat of stones that ensure your protection are: Black Obsidian, Tiger’s Eye, and Hematite. This powerful combination shields and protects you, centers and grounds you, and transforms negative energy into positive vibrations.

Black Obsidian has been referred to as the “soul cleanser” for its purification properties and ability to destroy negative energy. While Black Obsidian is protecting you, Hematite can ground you and soothe stress, even transforming negative vibrations into positive energy. The real magic happens when you add Tiger’s Eye, which encourages you to release your inhibitions. The best way to ensure your energetic safety and render yourself bulletproof against bad energy is to harness the power of these three crystals. Consider wearing a bracelet or mala beads with a combination of these stones. 

Unconditional Love: 

Rose Quartz and Malachite are crystals that help you connect to your heart chakra in order to invite more love into your life. These stones work together to cultivate both softness and strength and are a powerful combination in your quest for deeper connections. Rose Quartz and Malachite work well together because the pink quartz is soft and light, where the green malachite is strong and relentless, ultimately balancing and complementing one another. Despite their differing approaches, each stone enhances self-love and attracts love from those around you. 

Rose quartz is a classic crystal for connecting to your heart and fostering love. It’s equally powerful for manifesting new relationships and deepening existing ones. This holds true for all types of relationships – the one you have with yourself, a romantic partner, friends, or family. If you want to amplify the loving energy that Rose Quartz carries, pair it with Clear Quartz and hold these crystals during meditation to invite more love into your life. Mala beads that combine Rose and Clear Quartz can be worn or used during your meditation practice as well to invite more love into your life. 

Discovering unique and effective crystal combinations can be a fun experiment, but you should consider your intentions, chakras, and zodiac sign when doing so. Consider your specific intentions – peace, connection, grounding, balance, stress relief, love, confidence, energy, etc – and then search for crystal combinations to support your desires and goals. 

Crystal Pairings Based on Intentions

Repel negative energy: Selenite & Black Tourmaline

Grounding: Aventurine & Citrine 

Stress relief: Smoke Quartz & Blue Lace Agate

Aligning crown & heart chakras: Rose Quartz & Amethyst

Warding off nightmares: Black Tourmaline & Smoky Quartz

Pain relief: Malachite & Black Tourmaline 

Enhanced meditation practice: Lapis Lazuli & Clear Quartz 

Balance hormones: various Moonstone colors 

Crystal Pairings Based on Chakras

Root Chakra: Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian

Sacral Chakra: Carnelian, Sunstone, Calcite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite, Citrine

Heart Chakra: Malachite, Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine

Throat Chakra: Turquoise, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli

Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Sodalite

Crown Chakra: Selenite, Clear Quartz 

Crystal Pairings Based on Zodiac Signs

Aries: Clear Quartz, Citrine, Black Onyx

Taurus: Malachite, Jade, Pyrite 

Gemini: Chalcedony, Labradorite, Aquamarine

Cancer: Moonstone, Carnelian, Emerald

Leo: Tiger’s Eye, Hematite, Golden Topaz

Virgo: Jasper, Moss Agate, Sapphire

Libra: Black Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Opal

Scorpio: Rose Quartz, Ruby

Sagitarius: Turquoise, Amethyst, Pink Tourmaline

Capricorn: Garnet, Fluorite

Aquarius: Amber, Angelite, Blue Obsidian

Pices: Blue Lace Agate, Bloodstone, Aquamarine

Crystal Combinations to Avoid

Conflicting crystals are when two or more crystals are paired together and cancel out the benefits of each stone, or amplify the wrong one. The good news is that conflicting crystals won’t usher in bad vibes per se; however, they also won’t work to their fullest potential when combined. Here are a few examples of stones that do not work well together. 

Clear Quartz and The Wrong Crystal: Clear Quartz is an amplifier, meaning it will intensify the power of any stone you pair with it. This is fantastic if you pair it with the proper stone; however, if you are feeling anxious and you pair Clear Quartz with Citrine, known to enhance energy, you may find yourself accidentally supercharging your anxiety. Not good. But if you need a boost of motivation and energy, then it would be an ideal crystal pairing to help you accomplish your goals. 

Tiger’s Eye and Smoky Quartz: Tiger’s Eye is great for confidence and Smoky Quartz aids in empath protection so it makes sense that this crystal pairing won’t yield any major benefits. One stone is trying to harness energy while the other one is trying to block that same energy, effectively canceling out one another.  

Tiger’s Eye and Amazonite: Another poor crystal pairing is Tiger’s Eye and Amazonite. Amazonite is a wonderful stone to promote sleep, but pairing it with Tiger’s Eye will cancel out the relaxing benefits and keep you awake.

Crystal Pairings

With a little understanding of the purpose behind each crystal you can likely avoid poor combinations. When combining gemstones, always remember that you don’t want an abundance of one energy, nor do you want to combine gemstones with nothing in common. Maintaining a healthy crystal balance is key when combining stones. When in doubt, a little research can uncover the best rituals and stone combinations to help you achieve your goals.

Erin Entlich is a certified yoga instructor, personal trainer, holistic health coach, and writer. She believes doing good starts with feeling good, which is why she loves helping people weave movement, mindfulness, and healthy eating into their daily lives. Find out more at