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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July: Why Going Plastic Free Matters

In a modern world where nearly anything you can think of can be delivered to your doorstep in ...
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Why you need a breathwork practice

Why is breathwork so powerful?

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, we often find ourselves trapped in a whirlwind of ...
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Crystals 101: White Hemimorphite

If you are already swimming in crystals, or just starting your crystal journey, you definitely want to add ...
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20-minute mindfulness practices

20-minute (or less) mindfulness practices for even the busiest schedules

Feed the kids, feed the dog, take out the trash, remind yourself to send those documents to that ...
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How To Use Crystals

How To Use Crystals: The Basics

If you've visited the Ohana boutique or perused our online store, our extensive collection of crystals has probably ...
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Fire Breathwork

Alchemy of Fire: Building your Internal Fire to Burn What Doesn’t Serve

Fire is the element of change. It keeps us warm, it sheds light on what needs to be ...
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Slow Down Your Yoga Practice

Slowing Down in Your Yoga Practice

If you're anything like me then you have a running to-do list next to you at all times. ...
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Balancing You Chakras

Chakra Balancing Rituals

If the idea of “chakra balancing” is new to you, you’re not alone. Although not a new concept ...
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How to pair crystals

How To Pair Your Crystals

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, pun intended, then you’ve probably noticed the rising popularity of crystal ...
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First and Second limb of Yoga–The Yamas and Niyamas

The First Two Limbs of Yoga: The Yamas + The Niyamas

Our practice of yoga is so much more than just the poses we make the the movement we ...
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