Yoga Practice

Muscle Fatigue

Why Your Muscles Shake After Working Out

If you aren’t seeing results from your workouts maybe it’s time to shake things up–literally! When you work your muscles in a new way, they react in a new way and barre or yoga are great ways to experience the physique-changing muscle shakes that build endurance. By holding a contraction longer than you’re used to,…
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8 Types of Yoga

8 Types of Yoga and their benefits

Yoga, meaning union, is a tool used to allow us to connect to the divine, however, we may define that. One of the many benefits of this practice is that yoga comes in so many shapes and sizes, there is a practice for everyone. Here we layout 8 types of yoga so that you might…
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Valentine's Date Night Yoga

How To Have The Perfect Yoga Date Night

Yoga is an intimate practice. As we step onto the nurturing corners of our yoga mat, our practice asks us to get into our body and breath. It asks us to take our focus off of busy daily life, and place our attention on the simplicity of the present moment. So what could be better…
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Yoga for athletes

20-Minute Yoga For Athletes Flow

One of the most fascinating things about the physical yoga practice, known as asana, is that it can be applied in an infinite number of ways, making it accessible to nearly everyone. There’s even a yoga for athletes. Often people claim that they’re “too tight for yoga” or “too old for yoga” or “not strong…
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YTT For Non Teachers

I Attended Yoga Teacher Training Even Though I Didn’t Want To Teach; Here’s Why

I’ve been practicing yoga regularly for approximately two years. It’s something I continue to love as I  discover new things about myself or my body in almost every class I attend. The first time I talked with a teacher about going deeper into my practice they told me to attend a Yoga Teacher Training, but…
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The Subtle Benefits of Yoga: Reaching Beyond the Physical Practice to Find Bliss

Yoga: a word that for some invokes images of affluent Westerners hurrying off to chic studios after a long day of work. For others, perhaps it conjures ideas of spiritual gurus bowing in ritualistic gratitude to the sun every morning. While these conceptions of yoga aren’t necessarily wrong, they are at best incomplete. Yoga is…
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